Ibraheem’s Page

“It is Allah who has created the heavens and the earthand everything in between in six Days, then established Himself on the Throne. You have no protector or intercessor besides Him. Will you not then be mindful?” ~ [Quran 32:4]

Ibraheem Fannoun
2024-2025 “President”


Assalamualaikum, I’m Ibraheem Fannoun. I’m a Junior majoring in computer science, and I’ll be serving as president this year! I joined MSA because I liked the environment that they created at their events, an Islamic space for Muslims to meet and become close to each other. While serving on MSA, I’ve developed a love for facilitating Dawah on campus, both to Muslims and Non-Muslims. I want to earn ajr by contributing to that goal, and have a positive impact on the student body!

  • Summer or Winter? Spring!
  • Text or Call? CALL
  • Time Travel to the past or future? Past
  • Pizza or Hamburgers? Pizza
  • Math or Science? …Math? It’s hard to pick
  • Coffee or tea? Water
  • Early bird or Night Owl? night owl 
  • Apple or Samsung? Samsung! No hate please

Biggest Pet Peeve

People who act entitled.