Nawal’s Page

“If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them. Surely Allah is All-ForgivingAll-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” ~ [Quran 16:18]

“Nawal Abdi”
2024-2025 “Co-Outreach Coordinator”

Hi, my name is Nawal Abdi, and I am a senior majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences. I am one of the two Outreach coordinators here at the University of Minnesota’s Muslim Students Association. I joined to connect with like-minded Muslim college students and be of benefit to our local community while practicing my deen. One of my goals within MSA is to encourage more involvement and participation among the Muslim community here on campus, as well as to organize fundraising efforts for local and global humanitarian needs.

  • Movies or Books? Books
  • Boba or Iced coffee? Iced coffee
  • Sunrised or Sunsets? Sunsets
  • Minneapolis campus or St. Paul campus? St. Paul campus
  • Winter or Summer? Winter
  • Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles
  • Aisle or Window seat? Aisle
  • Early bird or Night owl? Night owl

Biggest Pet Peeve

When someone stands so far from the prayer line that you find yourself stretching just to reach their feet. Heel to heel yall!