“Of those We created are a nation who guide by the truth, and by it act with justice.”~[Quran 7:181]

Adam Daad
2024-2025 “Co-Jummu’ah Coordinator”
Assalamu Alaykum everyone! I’m Adam, and I’m beyond exited to serve as one of your Jumuah coordinators this year. I hope to be benefit the muslim community here on campus and benefit from you all in return. May Allah SWT make that the case!
- Coffee or Chai? Chai
- Summer or Winter? Spring
- Hot dogs or Burgers? Burgers
- Pinneaple pizza or death? Death.
- Chocolate Ice Cream or Vanilla? Vanilla
- Hussary or Minshawy? Hussary
- Books or Poetry? Books
- Early Bird or Night Owl? Neither 🙁
Biggest Pet Peeve
I don’t have any pets. Plenty of peeves tho….