We’ve all heard the word Da’wah before. For some it raises questions and for others it might cause worry, “How do I give da’wah? Do I have enough knowledge about Islam to give Da’wah? What do I do if I’m faced with a question I can’t answer?”
Da’wah is an opportunity to share with others what you know about Islam. A hadith reported in Jaami’ Tirmidhi states “Whoever directs someone to do good is like one who has do it”. It is an amazing way to honor the living tradition of the Prophet (SAW).
Interested in Dawah Crew? Look out for applications in the fall and sign up to help revive the sunnah of the Prophet (SAW)! Teach others what you know, and learn from everyone around you! Build valuable communication skills and confidence in your abilities!
What is Da’wah in Islam?
Da’wah is to invite anyone, Muslims and non-Muslims, to understand how the worship of Allah (God) is described in the Quran & the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and how that is practiced in Islam. Giving Da’wah entails that a person gives advice & guidance on making good choices and how to live an Islamic lifestyle.
“Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know.”
Who can give Da’wah?
The idea that you need to be a top-class scholar with 10+ years of experience to be able to give Da’wah isn’t entirely accurate. As long as what you teach is correct (i.e. is a verified verse, narration or ruling), anyone can teach whatever they’ve learned. We’ve developed this idea in Islam that unless you go the scholarly route – you cannot teach others about Islam. The Prophet himself informed us that if all you can teach an individual is the only verse in the entirety of the Quran that you know, then share that knowledge, because something is always better than nothing.
Nobody, no matter how far they climb the scholarship ladder, will NEVER learn enough. Everybody can always learn something new. There will always be something more to learn. Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him), said, “It is not befitting for anyone with knowledge to give up learning.” [Jami Bayan al-Ilm 423]
“Above every possessor of knowledge, there is someone more knowledgeable.“
How can I get involved with Da’wah on campus?
Da’wah Crew is a sector of MSA that deals with giving da’wah on campus. We host a variety of events & activities where we give da’wah to Muslims and non-Muslims alike! Do you need any experience giving Da’wah to apply? Absolutely not! Anyone interested can apply to be a part of the crew! Here is a general list of roles and responsibilities of a Da’wah Crew member:
Da’wah Crew Roles & Responsibilities
- Be an Islamic role model in your personal life
- Act respectfully & kind with others
- Be willing to learn & grow
- Do not force your views upon others
- Have faith dialogues, not monologues
- Attend & represent at MSA events
- Present Islam through an understandable angle
- Help setup and takedown tables for da’wah
- Be a resource for those interested in learning more
- Interact & engage with people of different faiths
Introducing our Female Da’wah Coordinator for 2024-2025!
Tesnim Mohamed
Major: Health & Wellbeing Sciences
وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌۭ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى ٱلْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ ٱلْمُنكَرِ ۚ وَأُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ هُمُ ٱلْمُفْلِحُونَ ١٠٤
“Let there be a group among you who call ˹others˺ to goodness, encourage what is good, and forbid what is evil—it is they who will be successful” [3:104]
Asalamu’alaykum! My name is Tesnim and I have the privilege of being the Female Da’wah Coordinator this year insha’Allah. I am looking forward to meeting and seeing you all at the da’wah table this year.
My personal goal in giving da’wah stems from the importance of working towards your akhirah in your worldly affairs. As college students, it is easy to get caught up in the fast-paced nature of this life, so it is crucial to remain reminded of the true purpose of why we are here on this earth. Additionally, I hope to spread more awareness of who Allah SWT is as learning about His qualities and attributes may bring hearts to Him if He wills. I believe understanding Allah SWT’s qualities, such as His mercy, compassion, and wisdom, lays a strong foundation for meaningful dialogue about Islam that is genuine and can spark curiosity. Also, sharing knowledge about Allah helps break down misconceptions and stereotypes which allows for a more accurate representation of Islam.
When or before giving da’wah, it is easy to feel as if you are not worthy enough to spread the Word of Allah SWT and the teachings of the prophet Muhammed SAW. This self-doubt can stem from comparing yourself to others whom you see as more experienced, leading to a sense of inadequacy. It is important to recognize that everyone has a role to play in giving da’wah, regardless of their background or level of knowledge. Each person has unique experiences and insights that can resonate with others, which makes their perspective important. Although it is our responsibility as muslims to continue learning about our deen, it is essential this sole reason is not what holds us back from spreading the message of Islam.
Introducing our Male Da’wah Coordinator for 2024-2025!
Amar Hussein
Major: Mathematics
“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction”. [16:125]
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-as (RA) reported that the prophet (PBUH) convey from me even one verse.
My personal mission, bi’ithnillah, is to spread the message of Islam to anyone and everyone who will listen to fulfill part of the duties Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) commands of us and to please Him. I joined MSA to help not only give Da’wah to nonbelievers but to encourage Muslims and myself to learn more about our deen. Not everyone knows everything about the deen and we encourage you to acknowledge when you don’t know something. There is an ocean of knowledge about Islam available to everyone and we must ensure the preservation of the knowledge by invoking interests in one another to pursue the knowledge to please Allah and grow in our deen in shaa Allah. Being able to teach one another and invoke interest in others to learn more is a form of sadaqah that’ll continue for us even after we leave this life in shaa Allah.
By giving Da’wah, to Muslims and nonmuslims, it’ll aid in increasing dialogue internally within the UMN muslim community as well as the dialogue with the rest of the UMN community. Especially in 2024-2025, having productive discussions is vital to help spread the message of Islam the Prophet (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) was given to reveal to us, and to aid in eliminating the message that is portrayed by the media. May Allah allow me to learn from this experience as being coordinator and allow me to help others benefit in a way that I would only be able to do in a coordinator position. May He accept and purify my intentions while in this position and allow all of us to benefit from one another! I look forward to meeting and speaking with everyone!