“But for your lord bepatient” [~ Quran 74:7]

Mirza Rafeh Baig
2024-2025 Internal Vice President
As Salam Alaikum, my name is Rafeh and I am the Internal Vice President for MSA! I am currently in my Sophmore year and I plan to major in IT. I joined MSA to help increase the quality of services offered to Muslims on campus and help the community. I hope to connect with the Muslims and non-Muslims on campus and spread the word of Islam.
- Basketball or Football? Basketball😤
- One Piece or Naruto? Naruto🥷
- Pasta or Biryani? Biryani (Hyderbadi only of course)
- Motorcycles or Cars? Both!
- Video Games or Board Games? Video Games
- SpongeBob or Looney Tunes? SpongeBob🧽
- Soda or Juice? Juice
- Afro or Nashville? Afro🔛🔝
Biggest Pet Peeve
People who don’t use their turn signals while driving