“As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” ~ [Quran 25:70]

“Razan Shahin”
2024-2025 “Co-Outreach Coordinator”
Salam! My name is Razan Shahin, I am one of the Outreach Coordinators for MSA this year:) I joined MSA because I love being involved in the Muslim Community and doing things for the sake of Allah SWT. I truly enjoyed my time on the Islam Awareness Week board last year and I enjoy being one of the leaders for the youth group at my Masjid. In my free time I love to play basketball, pickleball, spend time with friends + family, and doing anything outdoors. I am also Palestinian and love to visit for the whole summer. I am very excited to be apart of this board and meet many new people. May Allah SWT make it easy for all of us:)!
- Basketball or Soccer? Basketball
- Pizza or Pasta? Pasta
- Early bird or night owl? Early bird (sometimes both)
- Summer in America or Summer in Home Country? Summer in Home Country
- Fancy Shoes or Comfy shoes? Comfy shoes
- Movies or TV shows? movies
- Dairy Queen or Coldstone? Coldstone
- Lake or Pool? Lake
Biggest Pet Peeve
Chewing with your mouth open